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Psychosocial Rehabilitation

What is Psychosocial Rehabilitation?

Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) helps educate and coach participants in a variety of life skills to help them live more independently in their community. The focus is on skill building to address and adapt to the impacts of mental health and substance use issues in the person’s life. PSR class topics are chosen based on the needs of the participants and will vary from site to site.

Topics can include:

  • Stress Management: Teaches techniques for managing the stresses and complexities of life.
  • Communication Skills: Assists participants in effectively expressing their ideas, wants, concerns, and emotions to others, and appropriately responding to other people.
  • Anger Management: Educates participants about feelings, techniques, and different processes to manage strong feelings of displeasure.
  • Self-Care Coping Skills: Explores with participants ways to care for themselves on a regular basis.
  • Money Management: Provides education for participants in developing budgets, managing finances, and improving their ability to become financially stable.
  • Health Management: Provides comprehensive education on wellness, including proper nutrition, personal and hygiene skills, and exercise.

How is Psychosocial Rehabilitation Delivered?

Classes are held at our clinics and may be taught by people in recovery, people living successfully with mental health and substance use histories, or licensed clinicians.

Who Qualifies for Psychosocial Rehabilitation?

Classes are available for people who are 18 years old and older who have:

  • A primary diagnosis of a severe mental illness or,
  • A diagnosis of co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorders,
  • A significant impairment in one of the following areas:
    • Vocational/educational
    • Independent living
    • Community negation
    • Social relationships
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  • I am receiving the highest quality of care and I'm very grateful.

  • Every person I have encountered has been professional, empathetic and helpful to my needs.

  • My therapist really helped me face some facts and we discussed what I can do to change.

  • I have an excellent counselor who knows how to listen and share her knowledge and experience in a kind and thoughtful way.